Thursday, December 22, 2011

Album Review On "The Obelisk"

"As much as there are elements brought in from black metal and beer-worshiping guitar onslaughts, at its core, it almost can’t help but be a thrash album."

Review On Heavy-Metal Spotlight

"A few listens, and you'll be hooked." 

Read the full review HERE. 

Don't Count On It Reviews Says...

"Check it out if you like sludge, stoner, or doom metal, you will not be disappointed by this"


Read the full review HERE. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Album Review On Scumfest Metal 666

A pretty sweet review of the album on the Scumfest Metal 666 blog. This guy seems to have gotten some things right that other reviews over looked. Like that fact that that the sound at the end of "Psilocybin" is PUKING, not coughing. CHEERS! READ IT.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Album Review On "We Love Metal!"

More good words about the new album HERE.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Tapes Available!

Just in time for CHRIST (m)AS(S).

Get em' in the newly updated Hazzard's Cure Web Store! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Album Review On Hellcrust!

" are fucking supreme without a doubt. Another great bay area band, Hazzard's Cure are continually proving to be one of the best. Live shows are always sweet, the place is always rockin' to the jams brought forth. "

 "...easily one of the best albums of the year."

Read the full review HERE.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

East Bay Express Local Licks

Hazzard's Cure second album: will  come with a menthol cough drop
and a glass of water!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Top Tens

Well, it seems we have squeezed in to at least ONE year end top ten list... see if you can find it!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Review On The Living Doorway

Here are some kind words from the folk(s) at Living Doorway.

BEER. Check. WEED. Check. JEAN JACKETS. Check. We have those. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Album Review On Hanging Sounds

"Their music is heavy and dirty-sounding, melding together various styles, from thrash to sludge, from black metal to death metal."

Read the full review HERE.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The First One With Enough Balls To Says Anything Bad About Us

A thorough track by track analysis of our album on the MONKEY DEFIES GRAVITY BLOG: I'm glad this guy was actually paying attention, but he totally called us out on our eclectic stylings! In the most extreme terms! Click HERE to find out more.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Greatest Band You've Never Heard Of?

A short and pleasant REVIEW of the album from The Number Of The Blog.

Friday, November 25, 2011

"Rooted In Masculine Adolescent Culture"

Grind To Death E-Zine in Holland was kind enough to give our new album a very thorough review from a punk/grindcore perspective. Believe it or not, it's positive! But after all, it does have blast beats, right?


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011


The first ones brave enough to listen to it... our album reviewed on BROKEN BEARD.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

Get The Album!

The debut album is now available on Compact Disc. Tapes coming very soon, Vinyl coming eventually.

Listen for free, or purchase CDs and Downloads HERE for now.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Time Travelin'


2026 NE Alberta - Portland, OR
Lord Dying
Winter In The Blood

210 Broadway East - Seattle, WA
Blood Of Kings

6910 North Interstate Avenue - Portland, OR

744 9th Street - Arcata, CA

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Our Next Show!

SANCTUARY IN BLASPHEMY - From Gothenberg Sweden - Stoner Sludge with members of Martyrdod and Skitsystem - Only California show!!!!

BADR VOGU - "West Oakland Blues Crust"

HAZZARD'S CURE - Transbay Death Stoners

CARDBOARD FUNERAL - Hellhammering mayhem with members of California Love

8pm, $6, All Ages, Don't hang out front!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Demo Review IN EXTREMIS France

These guys have some interesting things to say about our demo, like making comparisons to some mainstream bands that I never would have thought of, and don't necessarily agree with... stumble though this if you can!  

Bablefish Translation:
Odd the first access with this group of which the demonstration m' arrived in funny of small pocket, quasi a struck envelope 3 times of the logo of the group also successful qu' indecipherable. Inside, the cdr slipped with a flyer mentioning the titles of the songs, the musicos, and the contacts. That was recorded in California in their own room, but the result sounds in a very effective way. One 1st demonstration of 3 titles only but which propose despite everything 25 minutes of music. Is necessary to thus say that the style turns rather around the sludge, all in heaviness, but with fast super aggressive impulses which point regularly like hardened tits of desire. The voice makes EyeHateGod very, howled jusqu' with the rupture, with backing-vocals which m' made think of Corrosion off Conformity or of Down. And musicalement has these 3 groups there also, with certain fronts very groovesques like that at the beginning of " Meet Me At the Mountain" , very good piece (s' acts of the second) where delirious gratouillages with the guitar typified Dead Kennedys rub with soli
stoner typically. In results a very particular atmosphere, sometimes not far d' Today is The Day, the trick very yankee based on with dimensions apocalyptic and worrying one of the front. The first piece "Great Dishonor" is even more particular because it combines doom, sludge and progressive metal in vast a 10 minute old track when t' ace sometimes l' d' impression; to intend Tool to be made decarbonize l' onion by the grindfreaks of Soilent Green. The solos particularly are successful, they thread between the legs like crotales reducing
whereas rythmiquement when battery and low get going, me j' have l' d' impression; to have a pack of coyote which gambade under the sun burning of the desert. Very strange in any case. The 3rd title (Prayer off the Hunted) as for him is shortest but also more bourrin of the batch. Vocally j' like at all how that sounds on this one, with dimensions System off has Down not very welcome and of the front ultra banal qu' one would believe at all to hear the same group compared to the preceding tracks. Not certain thus that the group knows clearly where he wants to go, in any case d' after their very extravagant pace that can give something d' interesting… in l' future.

Bizarre le premier abord avec ce groupe dont la démo m'est parvenuvdans une drôle de pochette, quasi une enveloppe frappée 3 fois du logovdu groupe aussi réussi qu'indéchiffrable. Dedans, le cdr glissé avec un flyer mentionnant les titres des chansons, les musicos, et les contacts. Ça a été enregistré en Californie dans leur propre local, mais le résultat sonne de manière très efficace. Une 1ère démo de 3 titres seulement mais qui proposent malgré tout 25 minutes de musique. Faut dire que le style tourne plutôt autour du sludge, tout en lourdeur donc, mais avec des pulsions agressives super rapides qui pointent régulièrement comme des nichons durcis de désir. La voix fait très EyeHateGod, hurlée jusqu'à la rupture, avec des backing-vocals qui m'ont fait penser à du Corrosion of Conformity ou du Down. Et musicalement y a de ces 3 groupes également, avec certains riffs très groovesques comme celui au début de "Meet Me at the Mountain", très bon morceau (s'agit du second) où des gratouillages délirants à la guitare typés Dead Kennedys se frottent à des soli typiquement stoner. En résulte une atmosphère très particulière, parfois pas loin d'un Today is The Day, le truc très ricain basé sur le coté apocalyptique et inquiétant du riff. Le premier morceau "Great Dishonor" est encore plus particulier car il combine doom, sludge et métal progressif en une vaste piste de 10 minutes où t'as parfois l'impression d'entendre Tool se faire décalaminer l'oignon par les grindfreaks de Soilent
Green. Les solos sont particulièrement réussis, ils se faufilent entre les jambes comme des crotales fuyant alors que rythmiquement quand batterie et basse se mettent en branle, moi j'ai l'impression d'avoir une meute de coyote qui gambade sous le soleil brûlant du désert. Très étrange en tout cas. Le 3ème titre (Prayer of the Hunted) quant à lui est le plus court mais aussi le plus bourrin du lot. Vocalement j'aime pas du tout comment ça sonne sur celui-ci, avec un coté System of a Down pas très bienvenu et du riff ultra banal qu'on croirait pas du tout entendre le même groupe par rapport aux pistes précédentes. Pas certain donc que le groupe sache clairement où il veut aller, en tout cas d'après leur allure très extravagante ça peut donner quelque chose
d'intéressant... à l'avenir.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Next Show

Shall be be June 3 at first church of the buzzard. We are laboring on some new hellish audio abominations for your listening displeasure.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

In Good Company, As Always

Thanks Adam for finding this! It's gotta be the bathroom of Merchant's or Eli's I imagine.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

El Rio On Friday

Welcome to this website. Sorry we made a blog, but it's a little bit more useful than what myspace has become. Hope to see all of you at this show, or some of the many other fine engagements we have planned in the future.